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  • Journey Of Life


    Hye there, we meet here again!

    We would like to share MA’RUF CLUB’s programme on last Saturday & Sunday (19 & 20 July 2008). The JOURNEY OF LIFE’s programme was organized under Da’wah & Tarbiah Secretariat, and with other committee members of MA’RUF CLUB.

    The programme was started on Saturday’s night, which began with a motivational talk by Br. Aidit. In his talk, he stressed on our intention (nawaitu, niyyah) in our life, and also about the sacrifice and sense of helping each others, like what Mr. Muhammad Yunus has done in India. Mr. Muhammad Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank. He believes that everybody can achieve success if they work hard and given opportunity to do well in their life. The same thing also goes on to the poor people, which before this cannot survive their life (in India). But when Mr. Muhammad Yunus gave opportunity to them (the poor people) by giving loan (small loan), it has proven that those poor people actually can pay back the money which has been borrowed. So? This also shows that we must trust each other, especially among Muslims.

    We sure that all participants (majority are new intake students) got the benefits from the talk, especially in understanding the scientific study of human. The next slot is a slot about the reminder of death (Sakaratul Maut). The slot was conducted by Br. Ismail Sabri, the senior member in Ma’ruf Club. This slot was really touching and gave a big wakefulness in our heart.

    The next slot was Qiamullail and congregational prayer at mosque (SHAH’S Mosque).

    The next day, all participants went to Sungai Pisang. For those who never been there, for sure that was a memorable and precious moment for them! At that river, all participants divided into their own groups and all of them have to go through all checkpoints along the river (5 checkpoints at all).

    • 1st checkpoint – stressed on the cooperation among group members
    • 2nd checkpoint – stressed on the ideas and vocabulary in language
    • 3rd checkpoint – stressed on the creativity in solving problems
    • 4th checkpoint - stressed on the sense of believe in our friends
    • 5th checkpoint – stressed on the briskness in completing task

    From this programme, we can conclude that we as human cannot be a good human if we just rely on our mind and neglect our iman and akhlaq (attitude) because this combination will lead us to be a good human, a good leader and a good servant of Allah.



  1. Congratulations! to all committee members Journey of Life program...to all members thanks for your great cooperations. Ma'ruf Club is always in our HEART!

  1. Anonymous says:

    best....congrate mC

  1. trainning??or tamrin??how is so excited??

  1. Anonymous says:

    TQ mc

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