.::Main Contents::.


  • Do we care about our appearance?

    Assalamu’alaikum our dear brothers and sisters..

    We would like to ask all of you this question. Do you care about your appearance? How did you dress up everyday? Tidy? Messy?

    We have to know and realize that ISLAM always encourages us to be cleaned and tidy. It doesn’t mean we cannot wear something beautiful or looks classy. But the most important thing is our attire must cover our aurah, especially for the female. Covering the aurah means the attire that you wear must cover all your aurah and the attire is not tight. If you wear something which already considered as covering aurah but it is tight, then it does not considered as covering your aurah.
    As Muslims, we have to look at everything in our life including our appearance to ensure that we are not against the Allah’s command. We are very sure that all of you already know about the parts of our body which have to be covered. Thus, we hope that all of us especially the IIUM community can follow the university’s dress code because the rules and regulations are not made by the university, but it is an absolute command from ALLAH to all Muslims.

    Nowadays, the situation shows that many female students did not covering their aurah in dressing up. We have to realize that it is our responsibilities towards ourselves in obeying the commands from ALLAH. We also have to keep the pride of our university’s name because we are studying in International ISLAMIC University Malaysia. The title of ‘ISLAMIC’ brings a big responsibility to all of us because our university is differs from other universities.

    In other word, we also can remind ourselves by scrutinizing this sentence “Which want do you prefer, live happily here (worldly life) or in the hereafter?”.

    Think about it…..

    Wassalam =)


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Academic Calendar Sem 1 09/10

Academic Calendar Sem 1 09/10

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